Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Letter to Water_District Essay Example for Free

Letter to Water_District Essay Dear Todd Green,  It has come to my attention that I have been experiencing unintentional water loss over the past three months. During the months of December, January, and February, my water bill has been higher than usual, resulting in three bills totaling $134.32 each. Before December, each of my bills from June through November had only been $54.32, $80 lower. Upon checking the pipes and water systems in my house, a plumber called attention to three faulty flapper valves in my toilets. These have been replaced and will hopefully rectify the unintentional water loss problem. It is my hope that you will recognize that the loss of water and rise of my water bill was accidental and not purposeful, readjusting the bills from December through February and reimbursing me the $240 total for these three months. The Water District unintentional water loss policy allows for refunds in special situations, and I believe that my circumstances meet the criteria. Sincerely,

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