Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Leader's New Work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Leader's New Work - Assignment Example Hence, the theories serve as guideline for the organizations and their managerial and marketing staff for their survival and growth in an era of perfect competition. Contemporary business culture has witnessed a tremendous alteration in its nature and scope. Fast increase in business activities at global scale, and emergence of world as a global entity has eliminated the concept of staying isolated from the outer world. People now embark upon business venture and produce goods and services keeping in view the features of the global market. It has also multiplied the responsibilities of corporate tycoons and leaders of multinational organizations, which have to render extra services in order to make their ventures a success. Argyris (2000) has elucidated salient features and responsibilities of the corporate sector during 21st century onward, where he lays stress upon fast and perfect flow of communication in order to obtain complete information of the market scenario (77). He is of the opinion that in olden days, only the owners/directors and managers used to be responsible for the growth and progress of their organization; however, time has tak en drastic turn, because of the new era challenges, and employees and workers maintain equal responsibility for the financial uplift of their work place. Business leaders apply communication tools in order to bring change in strategic schemes. Applying of focus groups, organizational surveys and other communication tools turn out to be helpful in making assessment of the work efficiency of employees, though they do not present an in-depth analysis of the problems they undergo while performing their professional obligations (78-9). He suggests the tools including effective learning, broader empowerment and employees’ surveys as effective methods of assessing the efficiency and performance of the

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